
We provide solutions for both new and exsisting IT, Security, Electrical and Electronic infrastructures. Our recommendation enables clients to make informed decisions to run big and small businesses, customise home needs and school requirements.

We help clients to categorise their needs and plan for the integration of latest innovative technology. This allows for a streamlined approach to.

  1. the smooth running of the business as they continue to build and maintain their client relations
  2. be able to work from anywhere in the world via an internet connection
  3. planning for the use of innovative technology in the future
  4. Budget planning

Service Pledge

Our promise is to assess and provide solution driven feedback on new and exisiting IT, Security, Electrical and Electronic concerns to our clients in the shortest time frame possible.


Supplier of


KRS System Support

  • Desktop Support
  • Server support
  • Hardware Maintenance
  • Hardware monitoring and reporting
  • Network monitoring and reporting
  • Project planning – Desktop, Network and Server support
Satisfied Client – KRS Director

We are a web and mobile software development house, with extensive server and network infrastructure. Ash Electronics provided outsourced support for our infrastructure, and tackled various large projects including complete rewiring of the offices, DR setup, and internet firewall and failover.

Mthente Network infrastructure

  • Consultation on network infrastructure, routing and load balancing for data and users
  • IT remote desktop and laptop support,
  • Network health checks, Vulnerability scans
  • Network and Server design solutions - planning, implementation, leasing and support
  • Hardware and Software sales and support
  • IT security - firewalls, anti-virus protection and preventing unauthorised access
  • Backup and disaster recovery solutions
  • E-mail account setups, back-up and storage solutions
  • ADSL Internet connectivity solutions
  • Cabling, installation, repairs maintenance, logistics and technical solutions
  • Hardware and Software analyses and upgrade reports

WETS Wetton Emergency Training Services

Wetton Emergency Training Services